8 minutes read

Part-2 Create a databases on shred hosting in cpanel and install/run colibrism script

Part-2 Create a databases on shred hosting in cpanel and install/run colibrism script

Login cpanel And find 

1. Create a databases name : write database name and click Create Database 

and click back .

2. Now, create a database user  

And click create user

It's example 
It's example 

2. Add User To Database and Click on Add 

Add user
Add user

Now you can see like this 🤔

Click ALL PRIVILEGES and then click Make Change 

All done Go back👍

So, you copy or remin your database, database user and password. 

How to install colibrism  

Type url in your browser - https://yoursite.com/install 

1.  Click on I agree to the terms of use and privacy policy and Continue 

Next, Requirements 

All status must ✅ and Click Continue 



DB credentials & Site data

Now you need to fill this form with the following data before starting the installation process 

* Purchase code - you download on Codecanyon 

  1. SQL Host name: Your MySQL host name, e.g: localhost
  2. SQL Username: Your MySQL username 
  3. SQL Password: Your MySQL user password
  4. SQL Database: Your MySQL database name
  5. Site URL: Your website URL address with which your site will work
  6. Site Name: Your site name, max 32 characters. E.g ColibriSM
  7. Site Title: Your site title, max 55 characters
  8. Site E-mail: Your site email address. E.g. yoursitename@gmail.com etc
  9. Admin Password: Choose your admin password

After you fill out the form with the data, click install button and wait until the installation process is complete without leaving the page. Please note that the installation process may take several minutes.

Instant done 👍

Let's Go ☺️

Any other help needed you ase me , I can help you ♥️
